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  • relative humidity measurements at DWD stations in the Regional Basic Synoptic Network of the WMO, plus additional stations from the so called "Global Dataset" of DWD

  • 2m temperature measurements at DWD stations in the Regional Basic Synoptic Network of the WMO, plus additional stations from the so called "Global Dataset" of DWD

  • precipitation measurements at DWD stations in the Regional Basic Synoptic Network of the WMO, plus additional stations from the so called "Global Dataset" of DWD

  • Since 1999, the Geologic Survey of Baden-Württemberg publishes a statewide geological map series 1 : 50 000 "Karte der mineralischen Rohstoffe 1 : 50 000 (KMR 50)". On it, the distribution of near-surface mineral raw material prospects and occurrences (mainly) and deposits (subordinate) is shown. This continuously completed and updated map currently covers around 60% of the federal state. It is the base for the regional associations in the task of mineral planning. The prospects and occurrences are classified according to different raw material groups (e.g. raw material for crushed stone (limestone, igneous rocks, metamorphic rocks, sand and gravel), raw materials for cement, dimension stone, high purity limestone, gypsum ...). Their spatial delineation is based on various group-specific criteria such as minimum workable thickness, minimum resources, ratio overburden/workable thickness, and so on. It is assumed that they contain deposits as a whole or in parts. In the vast majority of cases, the data is not sufficient for the immediate planning of mining projects, but it does facilitate the selection of exploration areas. The name of each area (e.g. L 6926-3) consists of three parts. L = roman rnumeral fo 50, 6926 = sheet number of the topographic map 1 : 50 000, 3 = number of the area/mineral occurrence shown on this sheet. Co-occurring land-use conflicts, e.g. water protection areas and nature conservation areas, forestry and agriculture, are not taken into account in the processing of KMR 50. Their assessment is the task of land use planning, the licensing authorities and the companies interested in mining. The data is stored in the statewide raw material area database "olan-db" of the LGRB.

  • Der Download-Dienst bietet eine Zugriffsmöglichkeit auf die Geltungsbereiche der rechtskräftigen Bebauungspläne der Stadt Villingen-Schwenningen. Als Attribute sind neben den Informationen zum Namen, Nummer, Inkrafttretungsdatum, … auch der WMS-Dienst Link etc. hinterlegt. Zusätzliche Informationen findet man in der Bebauungsplan-App der Stadt

  • This Downloadservice contains point locations of near-surface mineral raw material occurrences and mining sites in Baden-Württemberg (BW), which is one of 16 states of the Federal Republic of Germany. The information is harmonized according to the specifications of the MIN4EU database model as part of the Mintell4EU project. BW is rich in near-surface mineral raw materials. The most important are 1) Quaternary sands and gravels (Upper Rhine Graben Valley and glacial sediments of Upper Swabia), 2) Paleozoic rocks (mainly metamorphic rocks and granites, minor Permian volcanic rocks) in the Black Forest and the Odenwald, and 3) Middle Triassic (Southwest German scarplands) and Upper Jurassic (Swabian Alb) limestones. The deep-lying raw materials (various gangue ores, barite, fluorite, uranium ores), which were mined mainly in the Black Forest, are currently of no importance, with the exception of the still ongoing extraction of barite and fluorite in the Clara mine. In the future, some deposits could regain importance as raw material prices rise. Almost 100 million tons of mostly near-surface mineral raw materials are extracted annually in BW in currently about 500 mining sites (survey year: 2017). The annual raw material consumption is approx. 9 tons/inhabitant. At the beginning of the 2000s, there were still around 630 mining sites. This decline is due to both concentration processes and depletion of deposits. Since the end of the 1980ies the geological, areal and production data of operating mining sites have been collected systematically by LGRB. They are the basis for the periodic raw material report edited by LGRB and for the calculation of the need of mineral raw materials. Manly these pits, beside some important historic mines, are shown in the layer "MIN4EU LGRB-BW: mining sites - harmonized dataset". Another important task of the LGRB is to advise the regional planning authorities on securing mineral raw material supply. Beside the calculation of the need of mineral raw materials supply for the two planning periods (2 x 15 or 2x 20 years), the knowledge of mineral occurrences of proven or estimated economic value is important. After some preliminary stages, the LGRB is producing the Map of Mineral Resources in Baden-Württemberg 1 : 50,000 (KMR 50) as a basis and planning map for this purpose. On it, the distribution of near-surface mineral raw material prospects and occurrences (mainly) and deposits (subordinate) is shown. This continuously completed and updated map currently covers actually around 60% of the federal state. These occurrences are the topic of the second layer theme "MIN4EU LGRB-BW: near-surface mineral raw material occurrences - harmonized dataset".

  • Die landesweite Erstfassung der Daten für die Berechnung des Digitalen Geländemodells (DGM) / Digitalen Oberflächenmodells (DOM) erfolgte in den Jahren 2000 bis 2005 über Laserscanbefliegung. Die Fortführung der Daten des DGM erfolgt seither partiell auf Datengrundlagen unterschiedlicher Erfassungmethoden. Dieser Dienst setzt sich aus fünf Ebenen zusammen. Die Ebene "ATKIS DGM Laserflüge ALS 1 (2000-2005)" zeigt die Laserfluggebiete der Erstfassung. Get FeatureInfo gibt Auskunft über Flugdatum, Punktdichte, Scanner, Scanwinkel und Flughöhe. Die Ebene "ATKIS DGM Fortführung aus Laserscanning-Daten (2009-2015)" zeigt die Fortführungsgebiete, die über Laserflüge erfasst wurden, die Ebene "ATKIS DGM Fortführung über sonstige Methoden (2011-2015)" Fortführungsgebiete, die mittels Terrestrisches Laserscanning, Bildflügen oder UAV durchgeführt wurden. Get FeatureInfo gibt jeweils Auskunft über Name des Erfassungsgebietes, -,datum, -methode, Losnummer sowie Fortführungsdatum des DGMs. Die Ebene "ATKIS DGM Bearbeitungsübersicht ALS 2 (2016-2021)" zeigt die Darstellung der verfügbaren DGM km² Kacheln aus der Laserscanbefliegung (Punktdichte 8 Punkte\m²) von 2016-2021 mit Flugdatum und die Ebene "ATKIS DGM Laserflüge ALS 2 (2016-2021)" zeigt die Darstellung der Losabgrenzungen der Laserbefliegung für die flächenhafte Aktualisierung von DGM und DOM aus durchgeführten Laserscanbefliegungen (Punktdichte 8 Punkte\m²) von 2016 bis 2021. Get FeatureInfo gibt jeweils Auskunft über Los, Flugdatum, Punktdichte, Scanner, Scanwinkel und Flughöhe. Es wird darauf hingewiesen, dass keine Rechtsverbindlichkeit für die gelieferten Daten besteht.

  • Since the end of the 1980ies the geological, areal and production data of operating mining sites have been collected systematically by LGRB. The periodic update of this information is carried out every four or five years. Main reasons are 1) the preparation of the periodic follow-up of the 12 regional development plans, 2) the work on the near-surface mineral raw material maps published by LGRB, and 3) the periodical editing of the state report for near-surface mineral raw materials published by LGRB at the start of each new election period. The geological data include a detailed documentation of the thickness, petrography and quality of mined rock(s) and the overburden as well as geochemical data gained from rock samples. The areal data refer both to the permitted mining area (zones of recultivation, work and expansion) and to possible areas for the mine expansion (the latter are confidential). Due to the quick spatiotemporal variability of these data, here all mining sites are shown as point data. The confidential annual production data are the basis for the periodic raw material report. In addition, another data are collected, e.g. for the mining permission, the delivery area and the subsequent land use. All these data are stored in the mining site database of the LGRB (Rohstoffgewinnungs-stellendatenbank = RGDB). This one comprises also the data for abandoned mining sites and mines. In total, actual (2021) about 14.000 data records are stored. The name of each mining site (e.g. RG 6826-3) consists of three parts. RG is the abbreviation for "Rohstoffgewinnungsstelle". the following four-digit number means the number of the relevant topographic map 1 : 25.000. The last number means the serial number of the mining site; serial numbers 1-99 mark operating mining sites gathered since the end of the 1980ies ( (today partially already closed) , such > 100 mark abandoned mining sites collected before 1980 and such > 300 mark data of mining sites and mines collected in the course of actual raw material mapping. The mintell4eu data set comprises all mining sites with serial numbers 1-99. In addition, the most important abandoned mines of former or probably still ongoing economic importance.

  • Der WFS-Dienst liefert aktuelle, vektorbasierte ALKIS Daten zu Verwaltungsgrenzen in der NOrA Datenstruktur. Der WFS-Dienst stellt keinen amtlichen Nachweis dar. Der Dienst liefert Flurgrenzen, Gemarkungsgrenzen, Gemeindegrenzen, Kreisgrenzen, Regierungsbezirksgrenzen, Regionsgrenzen sowie Landesgrenze jeweils als FeatureType.

  • The digital terrain model of waterways for the estuary of river Elbe (DGM-W 2022) in high resolution based on airborne laser scanning and echo sounder data is produced and published by the German Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration (Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes, WSV). The data includes the Outer Elbe and the tidally influenced tributaries and branches of the Elbe estuary upstream to the town Geesthacht. The data is available in a raster resolution of 1 meter. Coordinate reference system: EPSG 25852, ETRS89 / UTM Zone 32N Elevation reference system: DHHN2016, NHN Survey methods: Airborne laser scanning (ALS) 02.04.2022 - 19.04.2022 Multibeam echo sounder, single beam echo sounder 09.02.2017 - 09.04.2023